The British Union Flag Series
I sincerely hope everyone will take my rejuvenating of the fabulous national emblem in The British Union Flag Series in the tone in which it is intended. My simple intention is to reinvigorate our love for the Union Jack, to make it a little more fun, approachable and useable in everyday life. In doing so I hope to build on our feelings of patriotism. As a country, we literally glowed during the Olympics and now we need to keep that feeling strong. Patriotism is a very positive emotion; the better we feel about ourselves and the country we’re a part of, the better we will perform in general, thereby making our country a stronger, healthier and happier place in which to live.

I’ve created quite a few versions of the flag in the British Flag Series, but have only made a handful public. Today I’m releasing two more. My two boys, Alex and Thomas who live 3500 miles apart and rarely get to see or speak to each other, have independently both chosen exactly the same flag as their favourite which I think is pretty cool – it’s called Time Warp. The other is called Unraveled. But before you go, I’d love your participation in a little survey. Please look through all of them and tell me in the Comments box which is YOUR favourite, along with a quick thought about how you think it might be best used (like on mugs, mini flags, T shirts etc).