Photo Independent LA
This was not only Photo Independent LA’s inaugural art fair in LA, it was also mine anywhere! The build up to the show last weekend was intense, beginning in January when I applied. My work, along with that of 150 others, was then scrutinized by a team of curators. More than half were weeded out, leaving 70 photographers to show their work at Raleigh Studios in Hollywood. That was when the reality hit – I had to find the funds to pay for the booth, my travel and having the aluminum pictures printed. As I maxed out my credit card on the first two, someone suggested I start a Kickstarter campaign. Hesitant at first that I could pull it off in the necessary time frame, I began the process and within a week had it launched. I was totally overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity and cannot believe that I not only raised what I was aiming for but also enough to help with prints for another exhibition down the line. Absolutely amazing. I am so grateful for the kind support.
The next hurdle was to choose which pictures to exhibit. The only way to really experience what it will look like is to build a scale mock-up booth, which I then did on my dining room table! I printed a selection of suitable images and only changed my mind three times about which ones to use.
Having the pictures printed hundreds of miles away is unfortunately mandatory as no-one else has the massive equipment required. The most difficult part then is not seeing the finished prints until my arrival in LA . But it was also incredibly exciting. This was the first time I’d printed these images on aluminum and the outcome was absolutely incredible. The reaction from the VIPs and general public was also way beyond my expectations. I couldn’t be happier. Although the sales were slim for everyone at both Photo Independent and Paris Photo this year, the turn out was good and the overall response was very positive particularly at Photo Independent, where the work being shown was considerably more diverse and the artists were almost all present to have discussions with.
More news will follow as and when. Here are a few pictures of the event: