This is the Photo Luminism Time of Year!
Christmas comes but once a year and it was at this season that Photo Luminism was also born and launched. This week marks a major turning point. Just over a year ago a very green and unsure of himself young man (well alright a bit older than that) wandered through every gallery in the area trying to find one he felt fit his rather unusual and as yet un-named style of photography. The one thing he was confident about was that what he had in his hand was very different and he liked it a lot. Finally, on wandering into Gallery Piquel in New Hope on possibly the steamiest day on record, he was confronted with a wonderful vision of brightly colored artwork and eclectic sculptures. He felt he had found his new home. Undeterred by the fact that thee wasn’t a single photograph in the gallery, he pursued a conversation with the owner and after about thirty minutes left the gallery with an extraordinary dialog repeating in is head: “I don’t show photography and haven’t in the four years we’ve been here. But I like what you’re doing and I’m prepared to give you the front window for the holiday season if you’ll print a big version of one of your images on aluminium for me to see.” Can you even imagine the excitement?!! I was beside myself! So perhaps unlike most others, I didn’t dash off and order a 10″x8″ print. I ordered one that was 6 foot by 4 foot! I knew it would look amazing. The minute Pearls of Wisdom arrived, the deal was sealed and the window was dressed! And every single day from that day on (Thanksgiving 2011) Photo Luminism was exhibited in galleries across Bucks and Hunterdon Counties. Now exactly one year later, Pearls of Wisdom has been invited back to grace Gallery Piquel’s front window for our one year anniversary. Much water has flowed under the bridge and hundreds of contacts have been made in the western hemisphere. Slowly but surely the jigsaw puzzle is being completed. Commencing next weekend, thanks to a chance comment by an eminent photographer, I will be part of the 5th Annual Abstract Photography Exhibition at the LG Tripp Gallery in the heart of Philadelphia’s historic art district. The gallery couldn’t be more perfect for me. The owner, Luella Tripp only shows abstract art. I couldn’t have wished for a better big city starting place. And with other city galleries and interior designers now showing an interest in what I’m doing, I have a feeling this is going to be a very positive year indeed. Stick around – like I said: now the fun begins!