Light is everywhere we look and everything we see.

We wouldn’t even be here if there was no light, because without the sun we wouldn’t have evolved. I remember when I was at school, I would for some inexplicable reason close my eyes as I walked from one classroom to another to see how far I could get without bumping into somebody or something. It was an interesting experiment and certainly gave me a narrow insight into what it must be like to be blind. But I don’t think anything could prepare you for that eventuality. It’s amazing how we take so many things for granted in life. Eyesight is one of the greatest gifts. And I’m tremendously grateful that I can see in color. Every morning I wake up and can instantly tell what sort of a day it is by the amount and tone of light that peaks past my drapes. And every day I love to get up and see what the new day has brought. Is it foggy, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windy or sunny? As the day progresses so the light changes. You might walk or drive past something several times a day without noticing it, but then suddenly it’ll pop out at you and demand to be photographed, standing out in that all important glow or by creating a shadow you can’t resist.
Photo Luminism, like all other forms of photography is the capture of light. More specifically, Photo Luminism is the capture of light sources that I manipulate in order to make them perform actions the human eye cannot unaided see. And I love it all and celebrate it every day and every night, as should you.