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Christopher Kennedy I Photo Luminism
“Kennedy’s Photo Luminism images transcend our usual perception of light, the way we see it and how we respond to that experience.”

The Lighting of ‘Exhibitionist’
Artist Introduction
Luella Tripp, Owner LG Tripp Gallery, Philadelphia: On first viewing of Passage: “Magnificent, stunning and captivating.”
Trina McKenna, Publisher/Editor-In-Chief, ICON Magazine: “I was very impressed with your gorgeous light photographs. Some photographers are in a class of their own, and I think you’re one of them. Your photographs are truly unique and I can see why corporations and hotels would buy them.”
Ronni Rose, Journalist: “It’s so exciting to see something so fresh. You see so many things that are auto pilot, that are just mediocre, that is just getting by. And then somebody breaks out of the monotony, the ordinary and does something brilliant like you’re doing.”
Stephen Perloff, Editor, The Photo Review: “Photography has a traditional tie to reality, and partly because of that I think it’s rare that it does abstraction well. Yet there’s something quite engaging about your pictures. Yes, like Pollock, there are references that we make to ‘reality.’ But their photographic aspect is only an artifact of their making. They are images that stand on their own, floating free of any lens-based expectations.”
Tamara Cannon, Owner Gallery Piquel, New Hope: “When Christopher first showed me his images I was immediately drawn to them. They have a luminescent, almost 3D quality, unlike anything I had seen before. Christopher’s creations are impressive for both their artistic impact as well as for their meticulous method of creation and production.”
Corinne Pulsinelle, Writer: “Christopher Kennedy’s photographs transcend our usual perception of light, the way we see it and how we respond to that experience. He uses a camera as a vehicle into a world we cannot perceive with our eyes alone.”
Stephanie Lisle, Owner of The Bucks County Project Gallery, Doylestown: “I truly loved “Passage,” it is exquisite and the size is demanding and captivating. I really liked the way it flowed to the wall, was impressed by the quality and its glow. I think you are continuously outdoing yourself and this particular piece seems flawless in the way it is presented and created. I did get lost in its movement and ease. You are a true artist and unparalleled talent in the world of capturing light, the essence of photography.”
Exhibition visitors: | “Amazing” | “Innovative” | “Neat idea and captivating execution” | “Progressive” | “Inspirational” | “Thought provoking” | “Real conversation starters” | “Amazing sculptures of light” | “Fabulous images” | “Simply stunning” | “Absolutely awesome”